After years of issues with food, I started keeping a food log of what I ate and what symptoms followed. It didn't take long to realize I was lactose intolerant and had a sensitivity to gluten. After months of living gluten free, I decided to see a specialist to get a real diagnosis. I was hoping this was the last of many doctors I'd need to see to diagnose my stomach issues.
Well, his conclusion was that he could not detect Celiac Disease or any gluten allergy because I had stopped eating gluten for so long already. He told me to start eating gluten again and come back in a few months to be retested. I politely said no thanks. It took me years to figure out how to feel better and, diagnosis or not, I was never going back to eating gluten.
So, I've continued to eat gluten free for several years now and I know how challenging it can be when you first start out. At first, the two most frustrating things were trying to figure out which ingredients contained gluten (required reading all labels) and finding gluten free packaged foods that actually taste good!
I searched online and talked to people, but I couldn't find a list of good tasting gluten free food anywhere.
Recently, at my local health food store (where I get most of my gluten free goodies these days), I ran into a women who was overwhelmed by all the GF choices and and asked me for my advice. Having tried many of the products already (and finding most of them terrible), I was over-joyed to walk her through the store and point out the all the wonderful tasting gluten free food. The kind of food that doesn't TASTE gluten free!
To all you gluten free eaters out there, this blog's for you.